large abstract art

Growth, oil on canvas, 60x48" by Jill Joy

Growth is an expression of personal evolution, this painting reflects a period in my life when an old, self-negating paradigm burst into a new more loving and affirming one. In this instance it marks a moment in time when I sacrificed a neurotic need for perfection (to prove that yes, indeed, I am love-able) for an acceptance of loving despite imperfection, both myself and someone in my life. (continue reading below or Contact for Purchase Info)

Jill Joy - Growth - Oil on canvas - 60x48

Jill Joy, Growth, oil on canvas, 48x60"

Early on, I developed a strong need to be perfect as a way of compensating for a difficult childhood — as a means of proving that yes, despite the evidence around me, I was indeed worthy of love. It was effective in someways but ultimately spiritually and creatively debilitating. It was a means of existence based in a lie. During this period in my life I made a major leap forward into a healthier more accepting way of being.


This painting is part of the Consciousness Series but also part of a sub-set of this series I call Evolution.

In my experience, when we grow as people (often by recognizing a truth we have up to that point avoided or been unaware of) there is a burst of energy that occurs inside of us like the creation of a new universe and a new self. We explode outward and inward at the same time and we are no longer the same person. Our consciousness evolves. It’s a subtle process but very real.

Jill Joy with Growth

Jill Joy with Growth

Painted in oil on primed canvas over 2.5" deep, hand-built stretchers, signed lower right side.